Birmingham Pre-Wedding Shoot
2020 is certainly proving to be a bit of a pain in the backside but now that we’re allowed out, it’s been great to have a chance to use my cameras to photograph something other than my two dogs at home! Step forward Marci & Dan – a really cool couple from Birmingham who wanted me to accompany them on a walk around Woodgate Valley Country Park. “Do you think that would be a good place to get some nice photos?” they asked. “You’re damn right it is!” said I.
“Can we bring our dog?” Even better!

Like most couples, Marci & Dan were unsure of being in front of the camera but I’m sure that you can agree that they had absolutely nailed it. When I’m a photographer at these sort of shoots, I like to photograph couples doing the things that they love and when they’re having fun, they become more relaxed much quicker and the photos look so much more natural. Complement that with a little bit of coaching when it comes to poses, all of a sudden you end up with some amazing photos. While they were walking their dog, Frankie, Marci & Dan realised quite quickly that being in front of the camera isn’t all that bad at all. In fact, it’s rather fun – especially when you start doing some of the ‘less than traditional’ poses!

With the weather being a bit up and down in recent weeks, I was glad that we picked an afternoon that had perfect lighting for Marci & Dan’s photoshoot. We walked through the woods, stroked a few horses, encountered families and fellow dog walkers, and ended it all with a nice stroll through the long grass.

It was such fun to spend the afternoon with all three of them and I look forward to finding out which of the photos Marci & Dan have chosen to proudly place on their living room wall. If you’re looking for a photographer in Birmingham, then please do drop me a message.