Paige & Jon’s Wedding Photography in Shrawley

Curradine Barns Wedding Photography

30 minutes. That’s how close Curradine Barns is to where I’m based. I know that you don’t care, and the travel time doesn’t even come close to why I love being a Curradine Barns wedding photographer. Photographing such a fantastic wedding venue so close to home is a perk that I don’t often get to enjoy, and when it does happen, I make the most of it.

Paige & Jon had their wedding at Curradine Barns, and you can certainly see why they chose this Worcestershire wedding venue. The 19th-century red brick barn sits pride of place in the picturesque countryside of Shrawley. Add in a fantastic events team, top-notch cuisine and plenty of spaces for guests to enjoy, there’s a lot to like.

And that’s just the venue. Paige & Jon are a really chilled couple who were a lot of fun to spend the day with, as were their friends and family. In fact, I suspect that this wedding will go down in Curradine Barns history as one of the best weddings ever. My job as Paige & Jon’s Curradine Barns wedding photographer was to make sure that I captured the evidence to back up that claim!

Bridal Prep Photos in Shrawley

Paige and her Bridal squad were already being pampered in The Dressing Room when I rocked up to Curradine Barns. BridalByArtists expertly worked with their brushes to ensure that everyone’s hair and make-up were on point. Before I got into photographing people, I took Paige’s wedding dress from My Little Wedding Shop into the other room for a quick shoot. I also grabbed the shoes, jewellery and some other bits to get those little details.

It is at this point that I regret to report that the shoes did not fit me. Neither did the dress. Oh well…

Remember me telling you how chilled Paige & Jon are? That was epitomised in the dressing room. There were fits of laughter from a good bunch who were just enjoying themselves. This kind of atmosphere is ideal for me as a Curradine Barns wedding photographer.

Along with getting the Bridal prep photos, I floated around Curradine Barns to witness both venue and suppliers working hard. It was during this time I got to meet Kelly from Country Foxes for the first time. Kelly did a fantastic job styling Curradine Barns, and her floral arrangements were top notch. More importantly, she has made my list of the nicest people that I have ever met, and that’s a highly coveted list!

Groom Prep Photos In Worcestershire

With the clock having ticked over from AM to PM, Jon and the boys turned up to start getting ready. This may have been the day that Jon got married, but his most important role was to act as chauffer to the newlywed’s six-week-old son, Theo (outside of wedlock – GASP!).

Jon also was given the responsibility to burying the sausage the night before the big day, and apparently that wasn’t a euphemism. It really tested the maturity level of this Curradine Barns wedding photographer.

Where was I? Oh yeah – Jon and his merry men got themselves comfortable before donning their suits from Peter Posh. In the spirit of blokes being ruddy blokes, there were inappropriate jokes thrown around, greeted with bellows of laughter. That really conveyed the comradery of Jon with his Groomsmen.

With everyone dressed and nobody needing any help whatsoever putting on a tie, the boys made their way to greet some of the early arrivals.

Wedding Ceremony Photography In Worcestershire

With friends and family in attendance, Jon patiently waited at the end of the aisle for his Bride. We didn’t have to wait too long though, as Paige made her grand entrance into the Granary Barn, which included breaking a jar (long story). That broken jar caused everyone to laugh, and that continued through the ceremony. Big smiles, a few tears, and that inevitable moment where the ring doesn’t slide onto the finger as easy as it should all helped make this ceremony very memorable.

With the marriage now official, Paige & Jon made their way back up the aisle in a shower of confetti before guests were treated to drinks and nibbles. One of the things that Paige & Jon mentioned to me was that they wanted a natural photo of the two of them with Theo. Being a Curradine Barns wedding photographer means being in the right place at the right time and there was a moment immediately after the ceremony. The newlyweds spent time with their son, and I was there to watch it play out. Three seconds later, Paige & Jon were bombarded by well-wishers, but that quiet moment just beforehand…dems da feels.

Floating around unnoticed – like a Ninja Curradine Barns wedding photographer – I spent a big chunk of my day capturing the natural moments. Family catching up, friends laughing, groups taking selfies and kids playing are all authentic moments that tell the story of your wedding. I love capturing the natural moments, but I also love getting those bangers of just the two of you.

Portraits By A Curradine Barns Wedding Photographer

Curradine Barns is a Worcestershire wedding venue that has a lot of grounds to stop around on. That means that there are plenty of opportunities to get some amazing portraits of just the two of you, even if you’re occasionally impeded by a passing car…or ten!

As is normal with me, I didn’t want to keep Paige & Jon away from their guests for too long, but I also wanted to make sure that they got some absolute bangers too. These two were so much fun during the day, and that fun increased ten-fold during these short sessions. Paige & Jon were great in front of the camera, and I’m definitely chuffed with the results.

Let’s face it: an awesome venue complemented by a good looking and fun couple. What more could a Curradine Barns wedding photographer ask for?

With the bangers in the bag, it was time to make our way back inside for the wedding breakfast and speeches.

Speeches Captured By A Worcestershire Wedding Photographer

After being treated to a spectacular shepherd’s pie, guests were entertained by a quartet of speeches. There were tears, pauses to hold back said tears, laughter and shared memories. There was even a revelation about a little blue pill that I would wager is still being talked about today.

With the toasts and roasts complete, everybody enjoyed a bit of downtime before the evening festivities. While that was happening, this Curradine Barns wedding photographer looked longingly out to the countryside, praying that the clouds would part so we could have a sunset. I may have been cursing said clouds, which may have led to a few guests wondering if I was a bit weird…

Unfortunately, there was no sunset for us but that didn’t mean that we couldn’t get a few more bangers in the back pocket. I grabbed Paige & Jon one last time for more wedding portrait photos before heading back to the barn to party.

Wedding Party Photography at Curradine Barns

Before kicking off the party, there was the formality of cutting the cake. After Paige & Jon plunged a knife into the cake made by The Green Bean Cake Co., we all made our way back into the Granary Barn to dance the night away. After taking centre stage for their first dance, Paige, Jon and all of their guests partied into the night, with Ric James from The Best Men spinning the tunes.

We all love a damn good party, and this Curradine Barns wedding photographer loves to get party photos. With guests pulling dance moves that should be a criminal offence, there was certainly enough for me to capture – the glowsticks certainly helped, that’s for sure!

Worcestershire Wedding Photographer

I honestly wish that I could share all of the photos from this gallery. Seriously. That’s how much I loved being Paige & Jon’s Curradine Barns wedding photographer. Going through the gallery to pick the photos for this Blog really bought a smile to my face. Not just because of the photos, but also because of the day itself.

Paige & Jon surrounded themselves with a good bunch who are as fun, chilled and loving as they are. It was an absolute pleasure to capture their big day. Keep scrolling to see just some of my faves from this wedding.

If you’re looking for a wedding photographer in Worcestershire, then all you need to do is drop me a line.